Legal information CRAISS 




Vetterstrasse 35

D-75417 Mühlacker

T: +49 7041 804-663

Responsible for the contents


Commercial Register Mannheim

HRA 711011

VAT reg. No.: DE 357 328 651

Managing director

Michael Craiss

Head of SLYNX:

Mark Mitterhuber

Personally liable company: 

Craiss Generation Logistik GmbH & Co. KG, Mühlacker, Commercial register Mannheim HRA 510742, VAT reg. No.: DE 831 246 194

Managing directors: Michael Craiss, Matthias Diehm, Jörg Schneider

Supervising Authority

Bundesamt für Güterverkehr, Werderstraße 34, 50672 Köln

Concept, Design, Realisation

Get the Point GmbH


Disclaimer, Liability for content

Information on liability, copyright and data protection All content provided here is for informative purposes only. Publicly accessible documents on this site, including associated data such as images, graphics and programming code, are copyright protected. Responsibility for content lies with the authors. The German copyright law (UrhG) applies unreservedly to documents available in electronic form within the data network. The following are of particular relevance: Duplication of individual documents, e.g. copies and printouts can be made only for private and other own use (paragraph 53, UrhG). The production and dissemination of reproduced documents is permitted only with the express approval of the copyright holder. Users take responsibility for adhering to legal requirements and may be liable in the event of their contravention. All content within this internet presentation is provided without any guarantee for its correctness, completeness or for it being up-to-date. In any event, no liability is taken for any damage resulting from the use of accessed information. The responsibility for content accessed via hyperlinks to other sites lies with the operators of such sites. The use of names and trademarks, also in documents that have been made publicly accessible, gives no right, even when not explicitly declared, to assume that such names and trademarks, in accordance with competition and trademark law, are freely available for use by anyone. All content and services offered as well as any acts, instances of sufferance or omissions in connection with this site are subject exclusively to German law.